
Navigate the world of mobile automation

Natural navigation: scan matching vs feature matching.

Natural Navigation Explained: Scan Matching vs Feature Matching

Vehicle automation projects succeed or fail on the strength of their navigation technology. This article explores the difference between the two main types of natural navigation and their respective pros and cons.


New Opportunities for Global Impact: 5 Can’t-Miss Sessions at the Future of Electrification 2025

Electrification offers an opportunity to make a global impact. In the 2025 Future of Electrification conference, experts discuss innovating for change.


Why Choose BlueBotics? 8 Questions for MasterMover

Electric tug leader MasterMover began working with BlueBotics in late 2022. Here the company’s Automation and Technology Installation Manager, Joseph Cotterill, gives his feedback on the experience.

ANT driven pallet tracker for automated vehicles

Precise Pickups: How ANT Pallet Detection Works

What level of pickup precision is achievable with ANT natural feature navigation? This quick guide explains exactly how pallet detection (and the detection of other objects) works, courtesy of ANT trackers.


Realizing the All-Electric Dream: 5 Can’t Miss Sessions at the Future of Electrification 2024

Driven by advances in battery-powered vehicles, industries including material handling, mining, construction, and agriculture are actively embracing the all-electric dream. At the third annual Future of Electrification virtual conference, hosted by our parent company, ZAPI GROUP, leaders in industrial and commercial vehicle electrification will share their vision of an all-electric future – and the challenges…

The future of AGVs and AMRs

5 Predictions on the Future of AGVs and AMRs

5 takeaways about the evolution of navigation technology and predictions about the future of AGVs and AMRs.

The KIVNON K55 Pallet Stacker is a forked AGV

Manual, Automated or Hybrid Forklift? Deciphering the Difference and Decoding Forklift Certification Requirements

A hybrid forklift seems to offer the functionality of both a manual forklift and its fully automatic equivalent. But what exactly is a hybrid forklift? How does it differ from a forked AGV or automated forklift – and why does it matter?


Automating the Tiger: 2 AGV Case Studies from China

China’s “Tiger economy” continues to roar, as Beijing adds a push towards automation. We take a closer look at two end-user success stories from China.

Installing ANT driven vehicle

How to Install an ANT Driven Vehicle in 5 Steps

“ANT driven vehicles can be installed in days, not weeks.” That’s the claim on this website. But surely the process of installing AGVs, AMRs and automated forklifts driven by ANT navigation is more complex than that? The claim above is not an exaggeration. With the right preparation in place (see below), installing your company’s ANT…

A fleet of mini lite mobile robots at an automation tradeshow.

Assessing Navigation Systems at Trade Shows

To help you assess the autonomous navigation systems you might see at trade shows, we’ve rounded up the top 7 tips from our CEO, Nicola Tomatis.

4 Reasons to Choose ANT Navigation.

5 Reasons to Choose ANT Feature Matching Navigation

Why choose our ANT navigation for your next autonomous vehicle? Here are five reasons why partnering with us could be the right choice.


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