
ANT everywhere

Enabling a new era of AGV & AMR operations


Installing ANT everywhere vehicles is easy. The only additional step: add a GNSS base station on-site.


Thanks to advanced sensor fusion, the transition between indoor & outdoor environments is seamless.


ANT everywhere is compatible with all ANT navigation products: lite+, localization, and localization+.


With ANT everywhere, outdoor AGV operations are just as precise (±1 cm/±1°) as those indoors.

An outdoor product extension for ANT navigation

Operating AGVs outdoors was traditionally a real challenge. For vehicles driven by natural feature navigation, the lack of features in the environment made it difficult to calculate a vehicle’s position, meaning additional infrastructure often needed to be installed. While for older, traditional outdoor AGVs, the installation of GPS-based vehicles was complex and difficult, with the limitation that these vehicles could not function indoors.

ANT everywhere meets the challenge of outdoor operation by adding high-precision GNSS as an additional data source when calculating a vehicle’s position.

The result: outdoor AGV operations become just as simple, robust and precise as those indoors — opening up a new world of customer applications.


ANT everywhere allows AGV makers to address many new applications, however two key use cases stand out:

  • Moving payloads between buildings (often required, for example, in the case of steel and aluminum production).
  • Moving payloads between logistics & production sites (in industries such as tire production, logistics and production operations are often housed in separate, unlinked buildings).


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“With ANT everywhere our vehicles can now navigate both indoors, using natural navigation, and outdoors, by adding GNSS. Changing from one system to the other is completely automatic, you don’t even notice it. And BlueBotics' support is great. We've installed an ANT everywhere AGV at Barcelona Airport and customers from many other industries are also interested - just think how many organizations have processes going into and out of warehouses!“

Jaume Graells

General Manager, MOVVO

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ANT everywhere - Enabling a new era of AGV & AMR operations

How it Works

BlueBotics autonomous navigation compatibility

Components & Compatibility

  • ANT everywhere base station (1x per site)
  • ANT everywhere receiver & software extension (1x per vehicle)
  • ANT everywhere Support Package (mandatory for 1st installation)
  • Compatible with: ANT lite+, ANT localization+, ANT localization