2024 Prix BlueBotics for Excellence in Robotics Awarded at EPFL

The annual Prix BlueBotics recognises a Master’s Student at EPFL who has demonstrated excellence in, and contributed to the advancement of scientific or technical research in the field of robotics.

In 2024, the second annual Prix BlueBotics was awarded to Vincent Gherold, a recent graduate from EPFL and Caltech in Robotics and Computer Science.

The winner of the 2024 Prix BlueBotics, Vincent Gherold.
BlueBotics VP Research, Pierre Lamon, presents the annual Prix BlueBotics to Vincent Gherold.

When awarding the inaugural Prix BlueBotics in 2023, BlueBotics CEO Dr. Nicola Tomatis commented: “My personal connection to EPFL as well as the very strong connection that BlueBotics has with the school motivated us to launch this BlueBotics prize. BlueBotics is an EPFL spin-off founded in 2001, which initially developed at the innovation park, and which is today right next door, in St-Sulpice. Our company develops and markets a navigation system that makes industrial vehicles completely autonomous, for example industrial pallet trucks.”

We at BlueBotics applaud Vincent for his achievement, and wish him all the best in his future career.

Rachel Rayner

Marketing & digital content manager | BlueBotics I'm a fan of cutting-edge technology, and love sharing the latest tech with the world.
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